I wanted to alert my users of validation errors for items in my TreeView by setting the font color to red and then changing the tooltip to display the error message. This is super easy to do with WPF by adding a couple of properties to the classes your TreeView displays. I changed my Info() property to conditionally return the normal tooltip or error message:
Public ReadOnly Property Info() As String
Dim msg As String = ""
If ErrorMsg.Length = 0 Then
msg = ColumnList.Count & " column(s)"
' Table is invalid
msg = ErrorMsg
End If
Return msg
End Get
End Property
Then I added a FontColor property that returns a Brush so the TextBlock.Foreground could bind to it:
Public ReadOnly Property FontColor() As Brush
Dim c As Brush = Brushes.Black
If IsInvalid Then
c = Brushes.Red
End If
Return c
End Get
End Property
Then I change my XAML to bind to the new properties:
ToolTip="{Binding Path=Info}" Foreground="{Binding Path=FontColor}"