I was having trouble with positioning a wide popup window that was in a component nested several containers deep. The PopUpManager.centerPopUp method would center on the container and push the window off the right edge of the screen. To correct this, I moved the popup over 100 pixels using:
popup.x = popup.x – 100;
That worked, but the problem would come back if the window grew wider. Bush league. To make it a bit more reliable, I changed to use the mouseEvent localX/Y properties. Note you have to convert the “local” coordinates to “global”:
private function showPopup(event:MouseEvent):void
pop = EnotaryRegReturnPopup(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,EnotaryRegReturnPopup,true));
pop.title = "Please select return reasons.";
pop.showCloseButton =true;
pop.enotaryRegReturnList = this.enotaryRegReturnList;
// position the window next to the "add" button
var pt:Point = new Point(event.localX, event.localY);
pt = event.target.localToGlobal(pt);
pop.x = pt.x - pop.width;
pop.y = pt.y;
pop["cancelButton"].addEventListener("click", removeMe);