Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Microsoft CRM SDK Advanced Developer Extensions Linq Cache Issue

There has been a significant improvement in the XRM Linq provider in the 4.0.13 SDK that allows you to specify how you want your DataContext to use caching.  One thing I noticed was I had to change my default Service to use the disabled cached to get it to use the Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Services.OrganizationService which is the “un-cached” service. 


There seems to be a noticeable speed improvement for the initial connection time and I don’t see any difference in query time using the un-cached service.


Sample web.config entries (2kb XML file)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Checking Java memory usage on a Linux server

A customer reported slowness in a production system, so I ran the following commands to check the state of the memory usage (since recently we had out-of-memory errors):


ps -ef|grep java

jmap -heap <pid>



The output:


Attaching to process ID 1715, please wait...

Debugger attached successfully.

Server compiler detected.

JVM version is 14.0-b16


using thread-local object allocation.

Parallel GC with 2 thread(s)


Heap Configuration:

   MinHeapFreeRatio = 40

   MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70

   MaxHeapSize      = 2015363072 (1922.0MB)

   NewSize          = 2686976 (2.5625MB)

   MaxNewSize       = 17592186044415 MB

   OldSize          = 5439488 (5.1875MB)

   NewRatio         = 2

   SurvivorRatio    = 8

   PermSize         = 21757952 (20.75MB)

   MaxPermSize      = 134217728 (128.0MB)


Heap Usage:

PS Young Generation

Eden Space:

   capacity = 368246784 (351.1875MB)

   used     = 259936376 (247.89464569091797MB)

   free     = 108310408 (103.29285430908203MB)

   70.58754815900849% used

From Space:

   capacity = 11534336 (11.0MB)

   used     = 11502000 (10.969161987304688MB)

   free     = 32336 (0.0308380126953125MB)

   99.71965443004261% used

To Space:

   capacity = 12451840 (11.875MB)

   used     = 0 (0.0MB)

   free     = 12451840 (11.875MB)

   0.0% used

PS Old Generation

   capacity = 122290176 (116.625MB)

   used     = 76169032 (72.64044952392578MB)

   free     = 46121144 (43.98455047607422MB)

   62.285487265959944% used

PS Perm Generation

   capacity = 88211456 (84.125MB)

   used     = 39361424 (37.53797912597656MB)

   free     = 48850032 (46.58702087402344MB)

   44.62166909477155% used


Monday, November 15, 2010

Severn River Cruise on the Mobjack Bay

The weather around Veterans Day 2010 was absolutely stunning; Crystal clear blue skies, 65F, and a fresh 15-20Kts out of the NE.  I got permission to take the Alberg 22 docked near Yorktown, VA for a two-day solo cruise.  With the wind creating Small Craft Advisory conditions, I was thinking of heading NW up the York see West Point from the water and then find a little creek to tuck into.  As I headed out into the York, I was surprised to find ideal flat water conditions.  I realized there was quite a bit of protection from the land, but it was so tempting to head east…so that’s what I did.  As I got nearer to the Guinea flats, the wind picked up.  As I cleared the land and the full fetch of the Mobjack was felt, the waves were a short steep 3-5’ seas.  The Alberg could really have used a reef at this point, but easing the sheet just a little helped with the weather helm.  The boat kept a stead 4.5-5 kts with a nice motion.


Being a mid-November Thursday, there weren’t a lot of boats on the wather, so I was relieved to see a 50’ M/V and a little later, I saw what looked like two boats sailing really close together.  Later this turned out to be a gaff-rigged schooner that I followed into the Severn River.  I headed up the North branch and noticed what looked like a large sailboat behind a spit of land.  The tide was about 3’ above normal so it seemed like my 3’ draft should have no trouble getting back there.  I was rewarded with a beautiful little anchorage that was surrounded by some gorgeous Matthew’s County properties.


I didn’t have too many chances to snap pictures while sailing (solo SCA kept my attention), but the anchorage afforded an amazing sunset:


Saturday, November 6, 2010

IIS 404 error!!! It's now 2am...thank you very much Microsoft security team



By default, when IIS is installed on any version of the Windows Server 2003 family, IIS only serves static content (HTML).